Does the content of Negative Ions in air affect health?
There are many elderly people reaching the age of one hundred in a village on the Chinese mainland. According to investigations by relevant departments, the secret of this “longevity village” is due to the high content of negative ions in the local air (20 thousand per cc) as well as other contributing lifestyle factors of habits, diet, drink and so on. Therefore, the oldest person in the village is one hundred and forty. By contrast, according to results from informal tests, the average household and office in the cities, has a content of negative ions of only one hundred and fifty per CC in the air! According to some reports in the Asia Medical Journal, when negative ions (commonly known as FenDuoJing) in the air reach one thousand to two thousand per CC, is beneficial for human health; when the content of negative ions reaches five thousand to fifty thousand per CC, they are able to reinforce resistance and immunity in the body. In addition, if the content of negative ions reaches o