Does the DDA require changes in course requirements?
The DDA does not require education providers to make changes to courses which would undermine the academic integrity of the course.This is confirmed by a decision of this Commission in its former tribunal function (a function now vested instead in the Federal Court and Federal Magistrates Court). The decision in question is W v Flinders University. The Disability Standards for education state a similar position in their section 3.4.3: (3) In assessing whether an adjustment to the course of the course or program in which the student is enrolled, or proposes to be enrolled, is reasonable, the provider is entitled to maintain the academic requirements of the course or program, and other requirements or components that are inherent in or essential to its nature. Note In providing for students with disabilities, a provider may continue to ensure the integrity of its courses or programs and assessment requirements and processes, so that those on whom it confers an award can present themselve