Does the Karma Bonus Disappear On Highly Moderated Comments?
You might have noticed that the karma bonus seems to disappear from comments that are heavily moderated. To be more accurate, when a comment that was posted with the karma bonus has been moderated down twice, the karma bonus is removed from the score’s total. There are two major reasons for this. The first is more technical: using the default settings for the Karma Bonus, a post moderated down twice would be at score:0. If this post is in fact a bad post, moderators will now continue to moderate down this score:0 post, but the Karma Bonus will prevent the comment from ever falling to negative one. The bonus is not intended to prevent bad comments from being moderated to -1. The second major reason is more social. The karma bonus is designed to accelerate the moderation system. The bonus is given to trusted users who have a history of positive contribution. Essentially, the karma bonus lets the user moderate their own comment, nudging it from Score:1 to 2.
Does the Karma Bonus Disappear On Highly Moderated Comments?