Does the use of Glucos Pré-Mix – DY additive cause any perceptible alterations in the commercial products originated from the livestock?
There are no perceptible changes in the naked eye. The use of vegetable proteinic sources derived from the extract of yeasts – like our Glucos Pre-Mix -DY additive – results in final products with less sanitary risks, when compared to the final products originated from animals fed by rations with strong use of animal protein in their composition. Recently, with the appearance of the BSE (‘mad cow disease’), the problems of contamination with E. coli, Salmonellas and dioxins in the products of animal origin made the consumers become more worried, which created deep suspicion in the whole world about the danger of the use of these animal origin proteinic components in the composition of the rations for the several species of animals.
Related Questions
- Does the use of Glucos Pré-Mix - DY additive cause any perceptible alterations in the commercial products originated from the livestock?
- Can Glucos Pre-Mix – DY additive be used in any compositions with the products generally used in the preparation of rations?
- What is the importance of the vitamin complex B, present in Glucos Pre-Mix – DY additive, for the animals?