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Does the wedding officiant have a great stage presence?


Does the wedding officiant have a great stage presence?


Average communicators are many. Great communicators are a rarity. We have all been to wedding ceremonies that were mundane, boring, and unoriginal and given without passion. Some officiants are not natural at speaking in public and come across nervous, unorganized, and frazzled. Some just read the ceremony out of their book. It that what you want to see when you look at your wedding pictures and video? The ceremony can’t be repeated. Your officiant is the guardian of the ceremony should be confident, secure, and poised and make the words come alive. At A Beautiful Ceremony we train for perfect stage presence! We study ourselves on video and audio and strive to be the very best in delivery. We know our ceremony material by heart and delivery it with warmth and good eye contact. We believe that it’s not just ‘what’ you say but ‘how’ you say it that makes a difference. We have the highest standards in training and stage presence. • Will the officiant respect your individual religious/spir

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.