Even if it is financially possible, is it required that each member of the Auxilium Christianorum keep a statue of Our Lady and a statue of St. Michael in his home with a burning votive candle?
There may be reasons other than financial which would indicate that it is not prudent to have a burning votive candle in front of the statues. For example, if there are small children in the home and there is no way to keep the candle or statues properly elevated out of the reach of the children, then one is merely encouraged to have some kind of image of Our Lady and St. Michael. If for legitimate prudential reasons one cannot burn the candle before the images, this is not essential or required but merely an act of devotion and encouraged to drive out the demons of the air.
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- Even if it is financially possible, is it required that each member of the Auxilium Christianorum keep a statue of Our Lady and a statue of St. Michael in his home with a burning votive candle?
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