For an excellent article published about what biodiesel is NOT …Read more Is biofuel safer then petroleum fuel?
Scientific research confirms that biofuel has a less harmful effect on the human health then petroleum fuel. Biofuel emissions have decreased levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and nitrated PAH compounds that have been identified as cancer causing compounds. Test results indicate that PAH compounds were reduced from 50%-85%. Targeted nPAH compounds were reduced by 90%. Biofuel is non-toxic and biodegradable. In addition, the flash point (the temperature at which a fuel will ignite when exposed to a spark or flame) is 300 degrees Fahrenheit, well above petroleum fuels flashpoint of 125 degrees. Do I need special storage facilities? No. biofuel can be stored in your existing fuel tank. Biofuel is completely compatible with petroleum fuels. It can be added to any amount of fuel existing in your storage tank. 100% biofuel will gel at about 32 degrees Fahrenheit, however, so care should be taken to store it in a warm environment during cold weather.