Frequently Asked Questions What is the Canadian Sheep Identification Program?
The Canadian Sheep Identification Program is an industry-led initiative to develop a trace back system that will address producer concerns about sheep health and meet consumer expectations for quality assurance and food safety. When does the Program begin? The Canadian Sheep Identification Program was implemented on January 1st, 2004. Is the Program mandatory? Yes. The Program is governed by the Health of Animals Act. It is enforced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. How does the Program Work? After January 1st, all sheep and lambs will bear an approved ear tag before they leave their flock of origin. Each tag will carry a unique identification number. These numbers are assigned by the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency to tag manufacturers. Tags are distributed directly by tag manufacturers or other authorized dealers. Tag distributors keep track of which numbers went to which producers. This information is reported to CCIA and is entered into a confidential database. At the p