Grafting; the transmission of HIV?
Q: My gums have receded as a result of orthodontia. My periodontist has recommended grafting with Alloderm. My concern is the transmission of HIV. A: First through questioning develop a trusting relationship with your periodontist. He should be willing to explain how the grafting will be one and how it will benefit your oral health. When all of your questions have been answered and you are now ready to commit to this procedure as a means of saving your teeth and improving your oral health, then bring up your questions and concerns about HIV and have them answered in the same similar way. Ask your periodontist what procedures he uses in his office to make sure there is no transmission of this virus. All dentist in this day and age should be using standard universal precaution procedures to prevent the spread of HIV through careless sterilization procedures. If he is a reputable periodontist and I’m making an assumption he is or you would not be in a trust relationship with him your risk