Has “NoLogo” been trademarked? Can I use the NoLogo logo on my sail-boat, t-shirt, skateboard or stickers?
There seems to be much creative interest in using the phrase “No Logo”. To all those requesting permission to use the phrase:In brief: we cannot grant permission to use “No Logo”, we don’t own it (so go crazy!) The more lengthy disclaimer: Naomi Klein and her company Klein Lewis Productions Ltd. have never trademarked the phrase “No Logo.” However, companies in various countries have taken the phrase and used the success of Naomi book No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies to try to sell various products (from digital cell phone displays to olive oil).Naomi Klein and Klein Lewis Productions Ltd. do not endorse any of these products, nor do they have any association with these product companies, nor do they receive any money from the use of the phrase “No Logo” when it is used to sell anything other than Naomi Klein’s books.Thanks for your interest!