How are bullfight results reported ?
Usually in the Spanish press the date, venue and breed of bulls are given followed by the matadors or novilleros in order of seniority and against each one are two comments (three comments in case of a mano a mano and six comments in the case of a solo performance). The first comment refers to their performance with their first bull and the second comment relates to their performance with their second bull, etc. Comments in order of precedence range from “dos orejas y rabo simbolicas” (two symbolic ears and a tail, the bull’s life having been pardoned for bravery), “dos orejas y rabo” (two ears and a tail) “dos orejas” (two ears), “una oreja” (one ear), “vuelta” (lap of the ring), “ovacion” (standing ovation), “aplausos” (applause), “saludos” (salutations), “palmas” (polite handclapping), “silencio” (silence), “pitos” (whistles), “bronca” (venomous protest, sometimes accompanied by throwing of cushions (almohadillas) into the ring). There is also “division de opiniones” (division of op