How are cocoa beans grown?
Cocoa trees require particular conditions and great care from growers, usually on small farms. The delicate trees thrive best near the equator in hot, rainy areas with protection from the wind and tropical sun shade from other, taller trees.GeographyMost cocoa beans grow within 15 degrees of the equator in South America, Central America, Africa or Asia.ConsiderationsCocoa trees need careful tending from their earliest days as cacao seedlings when they need deep shade. Often farmers plant them under the shelter of plantain, banana or coconut trees until time to transplant the seedlings.Early YearsYoung cacao trees prefer filtered sunlight and protection from the wind. They may grow up to 50 feet tall, so farmers plant even taller hardwood trees to shade them such as rubber, breadfruit and laurel trees that may reach 200 feet in height.Time FrameCocoa trees begin with red, glossy leaves, darkening to deep green as they reach maturity. They do not bear the green and maroon pods that hold