How are flower essences prepared?
Flower essences are dilute, potentized herbal infusions or decoction, prepared from wildflowers or pristine garden blossoms. They are made directly in the ‘laboratory of nature’, where the four alchemical elements of earth, water, air, and fire are found in harmonious balance. To this is added the fifth “quintessential” element of the sensitive awareness and attunement of the preparer. The fresh, dew filled blossoms are gathered in the early morning of a clear, sunny day. Floating on the surface of the bowl of water, they are irradiated by the warmth and light of the sun for several hours. This process creates an energetic imprint of the etheric energy pattern of the flower in the water., embodying the healing archetype of that plant. This “mother essence” is preserved with brandy and then further diluted and potentized to form the “stock” which is sold in stores and to practitioners.