How are press releases ranked on PRWeb?
PRWeb ranks press releases on its homepage by upgrade level and then by Friend of PRWeb score. Releases at the Social Media, SEO and Media Visibility levels are guaranteed page one placement on PRWeb, with page two placement guaranteed for Standard Visibility level releases. Each release is assigned a number of gold stars relating to its upgrade level and falls into rank based on this number. Friend of PRWeb scores boost press releases above others with lesser Friend of PRWeb scores when more than one release has the same distribution level.
PRWeb ranks press releases on its homepage by upgrade level and then by Friend of PRWeb score. Releases at the Social Media, SEO and Media Visibility levels are guaranteed page one placement on PRWeb, with page two placement guaranteed for Standard Visibility level releases. Each release is PRWeb scores boost press releases above others with lesser Friend of PRWeb scores when more than one release has the same distribution level.