How are the Instructional Recommendations calculated?
From the end of first grade on, a student’s Instructional Recommendation (Intensive, Strategic, or Benchmark) directly corresponds to that student’s status on the ORF assessment: At Risk->Intensive, Some Risk->Strategic, Low Risk->Benchmark Before that time, the instructional recommendations are determined from a combination of scores on the different measures at each assessment period. A detailed summary of the decision rules for the instructional recommendations can be found by going to our Technical Reports located on the Resources page and downloading the following report: Good, R. H., Simmons, D. S., Kame’enui, E. J., Kaminski, R. A., & Wallin, J. (2002). Summary of decision rules for intensive, strategic, and benchmark instructional recommendations in kindergarten through third grade (Technical Report No. 11). Eugene, OR: University of Oregon.