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How burdensome is the permitting process to golf course development?


How burdensome is the permitting process to golf course development?


The permitting process is extremely variable across the country. However, in the various regions it seems to be more homogenous. Federally mandated permits now inlcude wetland disturbance, and stormwater management and erosion control measures. If you can keep wetland disturbance to under 1 acre, the process with the Corps of Engineers as administered in some cases by the state government should be relatively simple. However, if your site has a significant amount of wetland disturbance, or if the wetlands are closely connected to rivers or lakes, the process could be much more cumbersome. The federal stormwater management and erosion control planning is gradually becoming a commonplace requirement. This is not a complicated process, but from the onset the project design must recognize the ramifications it will present. A civil engineer is usually required to make an assessment of the watershed in pre and post development conditions, and then to mitigate the changes to stormwater run-of

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.