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How can I allow unregistered users to submit tickets / edit my wiki?

10 Posted

How can I allow unregistered users to submit tickets / edit my wiki?


The recommended way to allow “unknown” users to submit tickets and edit wiki pages is to use trac-admin to create a guest account: trac-admin /hepforge/projconf/projname/trac permission add guest TICKET_CREATE TICKET_MODIFY trac-admin /hepforge/projconf/projname/trac permission add guest WIKI_CREATE WIKI_MODIFY and then add the guest account to the project password file: htpasswd /hepforge/projconf/projname/htpasswd guest enter a password You’ll have to put something on your project web page to tell them that the “guest” user, with the password you specified, can be used by any web visitor to contribute anonymously to the project. It is also possible to use the trac-admin commands above to add these permissions to anonymous users, but this causes problems with automated “spamming” of the Trac pages, so isn’t advised unless you also use some anti-span procedure: see Trac Hacks for more info. Of course, if particular users are submitting a lot of information via the guest account, it’s a

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