How can the dose of cannabis be controlled when the natural cannabis plant is used?
Remember that cannabis is nontoxic, with no record of death by overdose. Dosage varies by individual, condition being treated and by the medicine itself, as well as by route of administration. When medicating by smoking or vaporizing, the effect manifests within minutes and lasts for two to four hours. It is extremely easy and simple to titrate to the required effect, i.e., relief of nausea, pain, anxiety, etc. Ingesting cannabis causes the compounds to be released more slowly through the process of digestion. The effect can take up to two hours to onset and can last four to eight hours or longer. It’s better to begin by consuming a small amount, then gradually increasing the dosage over time until the desired therapeutic effect is obtained. According to Chris Conrad in his book, “Hemp for Health,” you would have to eat a minimum of one to two pounds of top-quality cannabis in about two hours to even possibly be in any danger. He stated, “In short, a potentially lethal dose of THC is s