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How can todays baby-boomer leaders evoke more entrepreneurialism out of the younger generation, their successors?


How can todays baby-boomer leaders evoke more entrepreneurialism out of the younger generation, their successors?


Cashman: Entrepreneurialism is one of the most difficult qualities of leadership to foster. While it’s something that might be developed a bit, deeply-seeded propensities such as comfort with risk-taking can have dramatic sway. That’s why many companies, overwhelmed with this charge, choose to make entrepreneurial leadership a talent selection rather than talent development process. The key to encouraging entrepreneurialism out of tentative talent is to find a project or function that deeply resonates with successors. Start with a task that means more to the successor than their average work task in order to energize the behavior your organization needs. Model the leadership conduct you desire and then build folklore around your workplace culture for the advances made in this area. Remember, such a metamorphosis will likely take time. It may also help to reflect back on what work was like when you were in their shoes. Trader, Large Hedge Fund: Are there ways to improve my low energy ch

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