How can you purchase discount Glumetza from 77 Canadian Pharmacy?
To buy Glumetza or other prescription medication from Canada you will need a valid prescription written by your doctor. We will only deliver to the U.S. and Canada and every order is shipped with express delivery. You may purchase up to a 90 day supply at a time and we can also keep your refills on file for future use. Why is the cost of medicine usually at a low price from Canada? The reason why some prescription medicine from Canada is at a low cost resulting in cheap prices on drugs are due to volume buying as well as the Canadian dollar being weak compared to other countries currency. Also the low price is generated from the Canadian government allowing companies to manufacturer generic drugs sooner than some countries do therefore it brings down the price to the lowest possible level for patients. Will we provide you information on Glumetza such as dosage and side effects? Yes, just like buying from your local retail drugstore we will give you the same free accurate information so