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How common is Johnes disease in sheep?

common disease johne sheep

How common is Johnes disease in sheep?


Knowledge on the prevalence of this disease in the approximately 8.5 million sheep and lambs in the U.S. is limited, due both to lack of testing and reporting. However, valuable information on the prevalence of Johne’s disease in sheep managed in the United States will be collected through the confidential “Sheep 2001” survey to be conducted by the National Animal Health Monitoring System of the USDA. BM_1_(Please consider participating in the survey if asked – the results likely will guide U.S. sheep health and welfare programs.) It is probable that M. paratuberculosis infection is globally distributed. The infection has been reported in countries as removed from each other as Spain and South Africa. In Australia, an accelerating spread of the infection in sheep (a domestic agriculture species of economic importance) in several states has interfered with stock transfer and reduced production. The country has instigated a national Johne’s disease market assurance program to support con

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