How did the Learning in Communities plan emerge?
Broadly speaking, the idea for learning communities arose from three sources: the University Mission statement, the strategic plan spearheaded by the University Planning and Budget Committee of the Faculty Senate, especially Goal 1,and a key recommendation from the UPBC’s the Central College Subcommittee. As we explain below, the Learning in Communities plan developed as an attempt to recapture the values and academic ideals of those earlier documents. Learning Communities are not new to CCSU. The Honors Program is a good example of a successful learning community. The Educational Opportunity Program has a learning community component. The current plan to pilot learning communities for our incoming first year students in the fall of 2006 emerged from strategic planning spearheaded by the University Planning and Budget Committee of the Faculty Senate. For the whole report, click here and especially note Goal 1. Based upon the strategic planning work of the UPBC during the academic year