How Do Deists Rectify there View of God and Evil?
For most Deists, the answer is simply that God is not good or evil but just is. Deists do not assign human characteristics to God and therefore do not have the problem of a good vs. bad God that plagues so many other theological viewpoints. This answer is not one that gives you much ease but does not produce such contradictions that tend to exist. God is not viewed as a being that allows evil to exist but is seen in abstract terms (which is what Reason demands). God does not have the burden of being made in mans image but instead is incomprehensible and indefinable in human understanding and terms. Therefore, it makes no sense to apply human ideas and views onto God but instead God must be looked at from a vantage point that we cannot truly view from. So, God is not good or evil but is something else altogether. For more info about Deism and Revealed religions, go here.