How do exempt staff members account for time off due to severe weather?
Exempt staff members can account for time off using PTO (short term bank), vacation, or discretionary holidays. With prior approval from the exempt staff member’s supervisor, staff designated as delayed or reserve service may make up work within 3 months. If the staff member is away from work on an approved sick leave request the day before the severe weather policy is activated, he/she may continue to use sick leave/PTO while the policy is active. Exempt members cannot account for time off using time without pay. Exempt staff members are paid a fixed monthly salary as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act. This salary provides compensation for duties performed rather than hours or days worked.
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- If a non-exempt staff member and his or her supervisor agree that the staff member can make up time missed due to severe weather, how should this time be recorded?
- How do non-exempt staff members account for time off due to severe weather?
- How do exempt staff members account for time off due to severe weather?