How Do I Avoid a Motorcycle Accident with a Left Turning Car?
Look out for that left turning car. It will turn in your path without enough room for you to stop. Every summer I hear the same call. It starts out with a motorcyclist enjoying a nice day. Maybe the rider is just putting around, going to visit a friend, or coming back from a poker run. It ends the same. As the motorcycle rider approaches the intersection, the car is pausing, waiting to make a left turn. The rider expects the car will respect the oncoming motorcycle’s right of way. When the motorcycle is halfway through the intersection, the car makes the left turn. The rider brakes hard. The rider uses both front and rear brakes. It is not enough. The rider hits the passenger side of the car. The rider is unlucky enough to sustain serious injuries. The rider is lucky enough to have our firm’s number so at least he or she will have nationally renowned motorcycle accident trial lawyers to represent him/her. We try to settle the case early on. The insurance company offer is low. The case