Searches can be performed on any field in a file to find specific data-conditions. You can find out what file is populating any given screen, by typing ; (semi-colon) at the LookUp prompt. This will present the list of dictionary field-names associated with that screen. Use the syntax ; to search for a list of qualifying data. e.g. on the SPRO screen, to search for a list of students from Ohio, type ;STATE = “OH”, where the field-name is STATE, the operand is “equal to” and “OH” is the value being searched for. or on the PINQ screen, to search for a list of Unfinished Purchase Orders, type ;s = “U” (where ‘s’ is an abbreviation for the field PO.CURRENT.STATUS.) Be aware that searches on large files, such as PERSON, could take a long time. You can string searches together, (logical ANDs), (separating them with a semi-colon), to further qualify the search-criteria.