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How do LFG energy projects at landfills reduce fugitive methane emissions?


How do LFG energy projects at landfills reduce fugitive methane emissions?


Many landfills with LFG energy projects are subject to the NSPS for air emissions from landfills. Therefore, the overriding factor in minimizing fugitive methane emissions is the presence of the NSPS which requires collection and control of LFG along with periodic monitoring of surface (fugitive) emissions. In many cases a landfill with an LFG energy facility will have an incentive to collect greater amounts of LFG than is required by the NSPS in order to increase the amount of useful energy generation. Increases in LFG recovery typically are achieved by making wellfield adjustments and increasing the number of wells in order to achieve higher collection efficiencies. Additionally, at landfills that are not subject to the NSPS, the presence of an LFG energy project provides a revenue source that can make the voluntary collection and control of LFG financially attractive, resulting in the destruction of fugitive methane emissions that would not have been reduced otherwise.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.