How do microchips work??
A microchip contains a unique identification number. The chip does not broadcast frequencies and it is not a GPS or tracking device. A scanner must be used to read the information on the chip. If your cat gets lost and is picked up and taken to an animal shelter or veterinary clinic, a scanner will be used to read the identification number on the chip. The shelter or veterinarian will call the chip manufacturer and give them the identification number which links in their database to your contact information. You will be contacted about where to pick up your cat. Because there is a chance that your lost cat may not find her way to a shelter or veterinary clinic to be scanned, it is essential that you report your cat as missing to your local animal shelter or animal control agency; put up posters in the area; and look for your cat at your local shelters. It is very important that you verify your contact information in the manufacturer’s database and keep it updated so that you can be con