How do people know there is no superhuman being with super powers, i.e. God?
Nobody is 100% certain that anything doesn’t exist. To use Bertrand Russell’s example, how do you know there hasn’t been a fully-formed teapot orbiting the Earth since time immemorial? If I believe there is one, there is no real way for you to prove to me with absolute certainty that there isn’t. When people say they don’t believe God exists, what they mean is that the existing evidence (that a tradition of belief in God exists (and that the Bible etc exists), various philosophical justifications which I personally find easy to refute) does not establish that there is one, with 100% certainty or with any satisfying amount of certainty. If you’re very nearly 100% certain that belief in God is a human error, it seems ridiculous to give it any credence regardless of this. Yes, if God does exist he will be p*ssed with you; then again, you can’t prove for certain that vampires don’t exist but it doesn’t seem worth wearing garlic around your neck just in case.