How do religious cults and sects view God, Jesus, and the Bible?
Baha’i views God as unknowable and unable to incarnate Himself. Jesus returned as Baha’u’llah. Religious truth is relative. Edgar Cayce views God as pantheistic and as an impersonal force. Jesus is only a man who attained Christ consciousness. The Bible is only one of many holy books. Christadelphians have a Unitarian view of God and hold that Jesus was a created being who needed redemption. The Bible is held as the Word of God. Christian Science believes that God is everything, Jesus is a highly enlightened Christian Scientist, and the Bible is able to be correctly interpreted by Science and Heath with Key to the Scriptures. Church Universal and Triumphant views God as an impersonal energy, Jesus as a evolved spirit guide, and the Bible as historically unreliable. Jehovah’s Witness claim God is unipersonal, Jesus is a created angel, and the Bible is only correct when interpreted by the Watchtower Society. Freemasonry views God as Unitarian and pantheistic, Jesus as a supremely good ma