How do they make crushed red peppers?
Most of us are familiar with the terms “crushed red pepper” or “red pepper flakes.” It’s not so much a chile as a style. A jar filled with red flakes intermingling with yellow seeds is front and center in most spice cabinets. No particular chile pepper is used, rather just a combination of C. annuum and C. frutenscens varieties, often ancho chiles, Things You’ll Need: * 2 pounds Red Peppers * Cookie Sheet * Zippered Freezer Bag * Rolling Pin * Old Pillow Case * Container with Shaker Top Step1 Spread red peppers in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Dry in the oven for 8 hours or overnight at the lowest temperature you oven will allow. If you have a gas oven, the pilot light heat is probably enough. Step2 Remove the red peppers from the oven when they are dry and brittle. Step3 Fill a gallon sized freezer bag with the dried peppers. Put the freezer bag in an old pillowcase. Step4 Use the rolling pin to crush the peppers. Apply pressure as your roll the pin over the bag. Step5 Repeat step