How Do You Breed Balloon Bodied Kissing Gouramis And Moonlight Gouramis?
Breeding Kissing Gouramis in captivity is nigh on impossible in a home tank – they are very difficult fish to breed, and the balloon stunted ones I imagine would be even harder – the stunting will have caused unknown internal problems. Full size Kissing Gouramis need over 75-100 gallon tanks when adult and its exceptionally difficult even to sex them. Breeding Moonlights is easier, but you’ll need a few tanks and you can pretty much follow the same procedure as you would for Betta splendens (just with larger tanks) as Moonlights are also bubble-nesters. If you have Moonlights and Kissing Gouramis in the same tank fights are liable to break out – Kissing Gouramis (and that kissing is fighting by the way) do not play well with other Gouramis.