How Do You Buy IBMs OS/2 Warp 452 Operating System?
• Recognize that Passport Advantage was originally set up for large Enterprise customers who purchased substantial numbers of OS/2 (and other software and operating system) licenses along with contracts for yearly support of that software and/or operating system. • Understand that Home or SOHO users of OS/2 used to subscribe to another IBM program called “Software Choice” aka SWC. In 2005 IBM elected to close down the SWC subscription service and roll those customers over into Passport Advantage. They modified Passport Advantage to accept individual users rather than large companies but they still see each individual customer as a “company”. Thus, when you sign on Passport Advantage you sign on as a company customer. Joe Smith becomes Joe Smith Company to IBM. • Enrolling in Passport Advantage is free and easy enough. Once enrolled IBM confirms your email and snail mail address and sends you a PassPort Advantage (aka PA) User ID and a Password. These codes will open the door to PA but