How Do You Change A Headlamp On A Car?
There are a variety of headlights designed on today’s vehicle. However, no matter the size or shape, removal and replacement follow the same procedure. 1. Open the hood of your vehicle.2. Locate the electrical plug on the back side of the headlamp to be replaced3.Gently unplug the electrical plug from the back of the headlamp.4.Removing the electrical plug will also remove the light bulb through the back of the headlight.5.Turn light bulb slightly to the left and remove from electrical plug.6.Installation is the reverse of removalInstallation is the reverse of removal Open the hood of your vehicle Locate the electrical plug on the back side of the headlamp to be repaired.Turn light bulb slightly to the left and remove from electrical plug. Gently unplug the electrical plug from the back of the headlamp. Turn light bulb slightly to the left and remove from electrical plug.