How Do You Clean Oriental Rugs With Borax & Vinegar?
I also think that it is not worth taking risks. Natural ingredients are often harsh and can destroy the material, especially vinegar. But some chemical solutions are usually created to clean the dirt so that everything remains intact. That’s why I think it’s better to give your rug to someone to clean it properly or call an agency to do it. Usually, they make it but using safe methods, like pressure washing. It’s easier and better. And your rug will be clean and unbroken. Just search for an agency near you, I’m sure there are many.
Wow, you have no idea how wrong you are. You can’t clean oriental carpets like that. You understand that they are usually expensive and made by hand. These are unique carpets. And vinegar and borax are very aggressive on the rug, so you can turn it into a piece of rag and discolor. I also have two Persian carpets at home that I inherited from my grandmother. I gave them to clean. I was also advised to do efficient and qualitative floor restoration because I also have an old parquet at home. In the past, it was great, but now it looked ancient. So I liked the result of restoration, and I can stay at home like in the Sultan’s chambers: D
Thank you for those recommendations! Honestly, I am not sure I can do it by myself. I am always worried about cleaning my antique rugs from this website. It seems to me I can destroy the colors. I have read that if the colors are natural they can be damaged by chemicals. So, I usually ask professionals to help me.