How Do You Compare Credit Card Cash Back Incentives?
To be more competitive in the market, credit card companies are offering cash back incentives to customers. This means that an added incentive to seduce customers into more regular use of the credit card is the promise of a percentage of what they spend. Know that credit cards which offer cash back incentives are most useful to those clients who typically pay their bills off in full each month. This is because these cards carry a higher interest rate than their non-cash-back providing competitors. Understand that the reason credit card companies can afford to offer these cash back incentives is that the stores where you use the card are charged a fee when you make a purchase there, and you are essentially recouping part of that fee. Know that some credit card companies offering cash back rewards charge an annual fee that ranges from $25 to $100. The card company may not disclose this until you are approved for the card. Acquire all the information on the credit card companies you are c