How Do You Escape The Spire In Fable 2?
Getting into The Spire is easy. Getting out is a challenge on the best of days. You’ve got a Steel Cutlass, a Steel Flintlock pistol and no augments. You’ll need more than weapons to get out alive. Invest in Will before you go. Your best bet for escaping The Spire in one piece is Will. Grab as many spells as you can and invest in as many levels as you can before you go to The Spire. This will ensure that you have some powerful magic in place of your powerful weapons. Buff your weapon skills. If Will isn’t your thing, you can also give your Brutal and Dextrous Styles a boost before you go. This will allow you to use the meager weapons you are given to greater effect. Conserve your health. If your normal fighting style involves barreling head-first into the fray, you will want to reconsider your strategy. You will be heavily outnumbered and unlike normal fights, you will not have the benefit of potions and Resurrection Phials. If you get killed, you’re done. Stay back, use your pistol an