How Do You Fix A Buckled Laminate Floor?
Laminate “floating” floors are designed to stay in place without nails or glue, which makes them very easy to lay: You just snap the tongue-and-groove sides of the planks together, cut them at the ends, and lay floor trim over the edges to hold it all down. One drawback, though, is that if your laminate floor gets waterlogged or experiences other damage and warps, it will cause the floor to buckle around the damaged board. Luckily, it’s a pretty easy fix. Step 1 Determine which parallel wall is closest to the damaged area. (The parallel walls are the two walls that run in the same direction as the floorboards.) Use your hammer and prybar to remove the floor trim on the closest parallel wall, and on the two perpendicular walls. Remove it carefully, so you can put it back on at the end. Leave the trim on the furthest parallel wall. Step 2 Working from the closest parallel wall, begin removing the floor planks. Remove them by pulling the outer planks away from the next row, separating t