How Do You Get Rid Of Nervousness?
You’re scheduled to present a proposed advertising plan in front of your clients. Your props are well-prepared, you’ve memorized your speech and you’ve got the presentation flow ready. You’ve even worn your best tie, so you’ll feel more primped up. During the presentation, as you stand up to talk, a strange fluttering sensation comes to your stomach. Your knees wobble, your heart starts pounding and your mind is wiped blank. You’ve got the worst case of nerves, and it’s affecting your concentration and ruining your presentation. Every person at one point in their life been in this kind of situation or felt this kind of emotion. Nervousness is known as a type of emotional tension, involving tension and restlessness. When people are nervous, they find it hard to concentrate, sit still or move. They scratch, pace, fidget, and tap their foot, while feeling constantly jittery and appearing high-strung. Nervousness appears for various reasons, whether it’s because of something troubling, hap