How Do You Make A Salvia Divinorum Extract?
Salvia divinorum is a plant containing the psychoactive chemical Salvinorin A. This extraction shown below will draw Salvinorin A and other chemicals out of the leaf rendering a more potent product. This information is provided with the expectation of you using common sense. Step 1 Place you salvia divinorum leaves into the blender and douse in acetone. Cover and blend so that the leaves are chopped thoroughly. Alternatively chloroform can be used instead of acetone and potentially give better yield. To find out how to easily make homemade chloroform see the “References” area near the bottom of the page. Step 2 Put the blender in a cool dark spot for 24 hours. Step 3 Pour contents of blender into cake pan and place in a well ventilated area for evaporation. Make certain the area is well ventilated or is outdoors to avoid acetone fumes. Repeat steps 1-3 at least once to remove as much of the salvinorin A that is possible. Step 4 Once all of the acetone is evaporated allow to dry more th