How Do You Obtain A Disabled Parking Permit In Texas?
To qualify for a disabled parking permit in Texas, you’ll need valid medical certification of limited mobility or vision. Getting the disabled parking permit is a relatively simple process. Here’s how. Meet one of the Texas qualifications for impaired mobility or other disease or condition. Blue permits are issued for mobility impairment requiring a wheelchair, cane, brace or other assistive device. Red permits are for people with a debilitating health condition that impairs mobility. Go to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Web site, print out the disabled parking permit application and fill in the lower portion. Take the form to a licensed physician or other valid medical provider who can certify your condition and sign the upper “Disability Statement” portion of the application. Submit the completed application and payment for the nominal fee to your county tax office. Hang the placard from the rearview mirror when parking in a reserved parking space for the disabled. Go