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How Do You Perform Easy Balance Exercises?


How Do You Perform Easy Balance Exercises?


Whether you realize it or not, balance is essential to all of your daily activities. However, balance works on a use it or lose it principle. As you get older, you tend to lose balance, which explains why older people often suffer hip fractures due to frequent falling. That said, it’s not just older people who suffer from loss of balance. If you’ve ever sprained and ankle, you might find that you have limited balance on that foot. The good news is that balance exercise has become very popular. The bad news is that people will often attempt advanced balance exercises before developing basic balance skills. Since balance is directly related to core activation, it behooves you to learn to activate your core muscles prior to attempting balance exercises. Activate your core. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, draw your navel to your spine. Hold your belly tight for ten seconds. Practice this ten times a day. This works your transverse abdominal muscle, which is your deeper abdominal muscle.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.