How Do You Plant Black Tartarian Cherry Trees?
The Black Tartarian cherry is a delicious, firm fruit with a sweet and slightly acidic flavor. The tree itself is beautiful, with its wide-reaching arms and countless white flowers in the spring. With its bountiful harvest of delicious fruit, the Black Tartarian cherry tree is a wonderful investment for those with enough space and time to tend to it. Planting the Black Tartarian cherry tree is a very simple matter, and can be done with little trouble given the following steps. Plant the Black Tartarian cherry tree in the spring, following the last frost. The Black Tartarian cherry tree is very susceptible to frost, especially when adjusting to a new location. Pick a location for the tree where it will receive at least 6 hours of direct and uninterrupted sunlight each day. Black Tartarian cherry trees rely on sunlight to flourish. If planting more than one Black Tartarian cherry tree, be sure to space the plants 30 to 50 feet apart. The Black Tartarian cherry tree can grow up to 40 feet