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How Do You Score The Woodcock Reading Mastery Test?


How Do You Score The Woodcock Reading Mastery Test?


The Woodcock Reading Mastery test can be administered to anyone from the age of 5 up to 75. It takes anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes to administer each cluster of tests or 45 minutes to one hour for the entire battery of tests. The areas covered are reading readiness, basic skills in letter and word identification, memory and reading comprehension. The average score for a five-year-old is 1 and 96 for a 12th grader. Begin testing at the test starting-points indicated. Once a student has completed six items satisfactorily, continue on to the next section–this will be the student’s baseline. When less than six responses are correct, go back a page and readminister in full. Continue to test backwards, starting with the first item on a page, until the first six items on a page are correctly answered. Score the Word Identification section. If the student misses the first item, say it aloud and ask the student to repeat it. Do this only for the first item. Write “0” if any other items are un

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.