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How Do You Treat Summer Allergies Or Colds?


How Do You Treat Summer Allergies Or Colds?


The most common summer colds and allergies generally involve different viruses or irritants than those we see in winter months. Symptoms differ in that they do not always cause a sore throat or cough, but will include nasal congestion. This can interfere with all of our fun summer sports. Here are some tips to help ease the symptoms so you can get back to enjoying your summer. Taking hot showers can help relieve congestion. This will also help clean bacteria that may have accumulated. Do not smoke. Smoking eats up the vitamin C in your body that will help you fight symptoms. It also irritates throat lining. Eat lightly. Stick with soups, fruits and light cereal or oatmeal. This will enable your body to use its strength to fight the cold rather than focus on major digestive processes. Drink plenty of water and juice. Juices that contain vitamin C are best. Sports drinks that help maintain electrolytes and vitamin water are both good as well. Take your vitamins. Especially consume more v

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.