How Do You Use Dandelion To Treat Kidney And Bladder Stones?
Kidney and bladder stones are usually made up of mineral salts in the urine. The causes of the stones are usually unknown. Passing the larger-sized stones can be excruciatingly painful. Unfortunately, kidney and bladder stones are often chronic, so the focus of treatment for this condition is prevention. One way to treat recurrent kidney and bladder stones naturally is with dandelion. Consult a physician. While most cases of kidney and bladder stones are idiopathic, or of unknown cause, some can be traced to medical conditions such as Dent’s disease. You may need medical intervention to prevent further stones from developing. Drink dandelion tea on a regular basis. Dandelion is a natural diuretic that stimulates urine flow and flushes the urinary tract. Diuretics help prevent kidney and bladder stones from forming by washing out the urinary system. Take dandelion capsules instead of prescription water pills. With diuretic use, potassium is often lost from the body. Dandelion has high l