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How Do You Winterize Inground Pools?


How Do You Winterize Inground Pools?


You enjoy your pool all summer long, but when the weather starts to turn cool you need to follow the steps to protect it from freezing and contamination. Beginning in the fall as the temperatures start to drop, you should prepare your swimming pool for the winter weather ahead. First, make sure your pool is clean. Vacuum or skim out any leaves, bugs, or other debris. Next, chemically treat your pool so it will stay clean through the winter and bacteria growth will not occur. Use a mixture of winter chlorine, winter alkalizer and winter powder. Many manufactures sell ready-made kits which is the easiest option. The directions will tell you what amounts to use and how to add them. Drain the water to a level of a few inches below the skimmer and the output holes, depending on manufacturer recommendations. If draining is not required, be sure to cover the skimmer and output holes. This step will prevent water from leaking or ice forcing its way out. With covers in place, remove filter hose

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.