How Do You Work With Planes In Still Life Drawing?
“Hi this is Julia Karch for Expert In this video series we will be talking about still life drawing for beginners. An idea to keep in mind is that every form can be reduced to its simplest form which is in kind of a square or rectangular form. Here you got a rectangular form. This will be the top, this will be the side. This is the front. This is the back. Same with this. Top, side, front, side. If it makes drawing easier, you can draw a box for each object and within that box draw the form. Therefore, you can get the perspective and you can also achieve the dimension of the object and the volume as well. Because if you lightly draw and this is a challenge for you, the planes will and seeing things in planes, you outline that very lightly and then draw the object inside and even as just a sketch you get an idea of how the objects is laying on the table. So working with planes is a good exercise in seeing how the object is formed and sitting on the surface.