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How Do You Write A Black Metal Song?

10 Posted

How Do You Write A Black Metal Song?


• Take inspiration from some of the greatest Black Metal bands around like IMMORTAL, Burzum, DarkThrone, Dimmu Borgir, Mayhem, Gorgoroth, emperor,you can even look back on some of the bands that got most of it all started like Venom, Bathory, Slayer, and Black Sabbath • Take long walks in the Forest,if you don’t live near a forest find a place that could give you inspiration,(I.e room, Friends.)Write about the cold grim winters(like IMMORTAL).write about hatred, say like when you are really really mad, you probably get some crazy thoughts in your head(also be sure to carry a notepad or something around so you can write your ideas down so you wont forget them later.)Write about religion,write about anything that have to do with dark and brutal stuff(not death metal stuff) Create names and stick them right in the lyrics with something that it would go good with (IMMORTAL has a land that they call Blashyrkh in a lot of their songs that have to do with Winter and Grim.) Last edited: May 13

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