How does fizzy drinks affect our health ?
The biggest problem with cola and soft drinks, is that they are very high in sugar which elevates your blood sugar levels and therefore drops you down once your insulin is injected into the body. I think the worse thing about colas and soft drinks is, they are very acidic and they leave the body in a very acidic condition. If you want your body to repair quickly, your muscles to work properly, if you want them to grow and maintain, you have to be in an alkaline situation. That means alkaline opposite acid. If you’re acid, you basically decay inside. If you’re alkaline, you become clean and perfect inside and the muscles need to function in an alkaline condition. Cola robs you of energy. Low blood sugar means light headiness, lack of performance, tiredness and no energy whatsoever. Try drinking Monavie instead. It’s a juice containing 19 fruits and one glass is equivalent to 13 servings of fruit!